NLIS Sales

NLIS Sales from we are able to help you.  We have listened to your beef about livestock id being a compliance requirement that many producers want to save by accessing excellent value through buying online.  By specialising in livestock identification (livestock id) we pass on bulk discounts, savings and specials to make purchasing your ear tags cheap.  NLIS is compulsory, we all know that.  But choose us to work with and we will aim to achieve the best value supply of NLIS sales and service that is available.  Click here if you want a specific quote and we can see how we can help.  We pride ourselves on customer service and only employing locals. Everyone at lives in rural communities.  Livestock id is our passion and we bring to you small town values with excellent help.  If you are a corporate livestock producer, talk to us about coupons that can be applied across all your properties.

If you are here because you needed a hand with your NLIS records and need to ask someone else – try NLIS Database Helpdesk can be found at  Also if you are a Victorian Cattle producer, we can only supply your management ear tags for cattle.