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Medium – Male ( Allflex )


These Allflex medium tags have a high retention and can be read from almost any angle when out in the paddock when male and female tags are used together.  Great ear tags for calves or younger cattle.  Also can be used together with large, Maxi or Super Maxi tags.  These males are most often used instead of a male button.


Medium Allflex ear tags can be applied using the following


Allflex’s medium sized are the second-smallest of the two-piece plastic visual range at 56mm wide and 59mm high.  9 colours, four lines of printing.  Choose from Laza or Laza FX printing.  It is recommended you print what you want to read on the biggest tag, usually the female, as this sits inside the ear facing forward while the smaller piece is at the back of the ear.


Customise your tag
