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How can I order my ear tags and will you make sure that it is right ?
We have dirt beneath our nails and aren’t afraid of hard work. Place your order and we will gladly do the rest. We offer you personalised service and attention to detail – something a lot of other online businesses overlook.
But we designed our site so we could offer more than something straight out of a box – we wanted to give you a commitment to ensure you get the right product for the right purpose.
We take off our sunnies and cast our well-trained eyes over your order before we send it off to the manufacturer. If you need NLIS complaint tags, we look to make sure the ones on your order are NLIS accredited (or conditionally-accredited) AND meet the legal printing requirements including the words Do Not Remove.
Our friendly team is happy to receive your order by email and enter it into our system for you. While we’re at it we’ll double check it all makes sense and meets any NLIS requirements. Then, we’ll send it off to the manufacturers for printing and delivery.
After your first order we’ll know what you like so subsequent orders will be as quick as a whip.
If you’d like a quote please fill out the form here.
Don’t like computers? Download our fax order form here. All you have to do is complete it and either email or fax it to this number. Easy as Apple Pie. Fax your order to (02) 8076 1550
Phone 0438 169839 and we are happy to help you with your order over the phone, we won’t always be available as we have our own livestock to ear tag, vaccinate and drench too. And, like some of our bulls, our mobile reception can be pretty temperamental too. So, while we do our best to take every call, our circumstances won’t always allow for it. That is why we have a message bank. Please leave your name, return number and a brief message and we will get back to you as soon as we can, even if we have to grab some wire cutters and make our own temporary antenna booster on the highest hill in the paddock.
Snail mail is still available. Just print out the order form and send it in to us. Or, let us know you need a form and we will post one out to you. Our postal address is Post PO Box 6049, Dubbo, NSW 2830
How can I pay for my ear tags ?
You don’t need an account to order with us but registering is a great option that will save you time next time you pop in.
All prices on our website are in Australian dollars and include GST.
Pay By:
- Cheque – post to PO Box 6049, Dubbo, NSW 2830 however tags will not be ordered until cheque received, unless with prior agreement.
- Paypal or Credit Card (Visa or Mastercard) using eWAY. We trust eWAY to keep your encrypted information secure. All payments are processed by Paypal or eWAY and operate independently to We choose these options because they have a world-wide reputation for being safe and secure.
- Direct Deposit – You can pay us directly into our regional NSW bank account either by transferring funds electronically or over the counter at any NAB branch. Our bank details, the amount payable and your payment reference will be included on your confirmation email.